
How corporate social responsibility (CSR) feels in Russia? Maksim Shtykaider

Hello to all readers.

I have recently started diving into a new topic - corporate social responsibility. For all entrepreneurs, in simple words - the company's activities are not aimed at making a profit, but exist to improve the world around us. In other simple words - charity. Well, it is a wonderful and interesting thing, and you can see a lot of good examples in America and Europe. However, I recently asked myself a question: how corporate social responsibility feels in Russia. And I came across a publication from 8 November 2023. The All-Russian Centre for Public Opinion Research (VTsIOM) recently conducted a public opinion survey on how CSR practices are perceived in Russia today. What I can tell you. It's not a comforting indicator.

Well, here's a few of them: 44% of respondents can agree that companies in Russia are socially oriented. and only 10% of them are completely sure of this. The only thing I can say about this is that such uncertain answers indicate that CSR as a covered topic is not particularly popular. rather, people answer on the basis of their own definition in their heads, without delving into its history. In general, if we look at people's understanding of the term and phenomenon of CSR, we can say in descending order: corporate concern for its employees - 11% of those who voted, monitoring and working for the benefit of ecology - 10%, helping the population, paying taxes, decency and honesty, etc. People divided CSR into two groups: charity in the form of caring for people and the environment and corporate good behavior in accordance with the law. I'm surprised, by the way, that helping the NWO and the Army only got 2% of the vote. How do people draw such conclusions? They look at what companies do and then they evaluate it.

So, for example, we decided to ask what are the goals of businesses that invest in social programmes. My favorite top: advertising their business, trying to make the country better, solving public problems, serving the authorities, doing their civic duty - these are the top answers with votes above 15%. Don't you notice the interesting alternation of mercantile opinion and socially-oriented opinion. That is, in the eyes of Russians, business, for all its desire to help the environment or society, is very likely to advertise itself or pander to the authorities. Well, what can you do. Russians in general are not ready to trust everyone. I suggest that businesses communicate more often with the public and be public, because the more frightening answer is "I am grateful to them and have respect for them", which did not get a single vote. LOL. But do not think that the people are skeptical about all the charitable actions of business. You shouldn’t give up, because, as it turns out, people are skeptical not about business, but about public administration: for example, when asked whether something prevents a business from implementing CSR, 32% of the votes received the answer “Corruption of officials.”

Then, of course, they accuse entrepreneurs of not wanting to do anything themselves - 27% of the vote. But judge for yourself - people realize that not in business, but in the bureaucracy and officials - there is every opportunity to give the initiative for the development of CSR both from companies and from society (or, more to the point, about the moral support of society). Now I will sum up the small results. I am glad that corporate social responsibility is recognized by citizens and it does not remain unrequited and ignored. In general, people from 18 to 35 years old believe in CSR, so to speak - in fact, they feel the influence of both internal and external factors the most. People in Russia believe that when a company engages in CSR, there is no sense of charity and altruistic motives here - in most cases these are selfish goals. The result of CSR will not get worse from this, but the involvement and loyalty of people towards business is important. Despite the sometimes-positive responses regarding CSR, people are still excluded from the practice of CSR and most often society sees the reason in the state. Therefore, I conclude that we are working well, in any case, these figures are higher than in 2008.

You can blame all the blame on the state, in some places you probably won't even need to figure it out - people will understand. But you need to be public more often - we don't really understand. But we need to be public more often - we don’t really understand what CSR is and we try to see commercialism or selfishness everywhere - these are bad qualities. You need to show through funded speeches that your CSR is about feelings, care and the importance of humanity. Maybe you can even sacrifice something. And people reading this article, study more carefully and notice the activities of companies - they are trying and will try harder. Let's feedback to each other.
ТG: @MaksSh21
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