
Do you know how important philanthropy is? Did you assume that it has its own goals?

2023-04-25 19:23 ВШБ МГУ
In the continuation of posts related to CSR course in MSU Business School, we are pleased to report our second blog of third year bachelor degree student Tamar Kvaratskhelia. The topic of this blog is regarding an importance of philanthropy in Russia and Tamar has endeavored to list aspects of Russian philanthropy that shaped a big picture of main goal and strategy of NGO sector in our country.

So lets move on to read the blog:

Do you know how important philanthropy is? Did you assume that it has its own goals?

In this blog, I would like to talk about why philanthropy is so important, how it affects the world around us, and most importantly, what goals it pursues.

Russia is a country with a rich cultural heritage and a great history that has shaped the nation into what it is today. Philanthropy has played a critical role in the development of Russia, from the 19th century when wealthy individuals donated to build theaters, libraries, and museums, to the present day where philanthropy supports a wide range of social, cultural, and environmental initiatives. The goals of philanthropy in Russia have evolved over time, and today they are focused on supporting those in need, promoting positive change in society, and fostering a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Promoting Social Welfare

One of the primary goals of philanthropy in Russia is to promote social welfare. This includes providing support for those who are marginalized, such as the elderly, disabled, or those living in poverty. Philanthropic organizations in Russia work to provide basic needs such as food, shelter, and medical care to those who cannot afford them. Additionally, some organizations focus on improving education and providing opportunities for professional development, which can lead to better employment opportunities and a higher standard of living.

The Russian government has recognized the importance of philanthropy in promoting social welfare and has taken steps to encourage charitable giving. In 2018, a law was passed to provide tax incentives for donations, which has led to an increase in philanthropic activity in Russia. This has allowed for more support to be provided to those in need and has strengthened the impact of philanthropy in Russia.

Supporting Cultural Initiatives

Another important goal of philanthropy is to support cultural movements. This includes promoting the arts, preserving cultural heritage, and supporting local traditions. Philanthropic organizations in Russia often donate money to museums, theaters, and other cultural institutions to help them continue to provide services to the public. Furthermore, some organizations work to preserve historical landmarks and promote cultural tourism.

Russia has a rich cultural heritage that dates back centuries, and cultural philanthropy has played a significant role in preserving this heritage. Philanthropists have supported the construction of iconic buildings such as the Bolshoi Theater and the Hermitage Museum and continue to support cultural institutions throughout the country. Such activity helped to promote Russia's cultural heritage and has contributed to the country's reputation as a center of cultural excellence.

Encouraging Environmental Sustainability

Finally, philanthropy in Russia also aims to encourage environmental sustainability. This goal involves supporting initiatives that promote sustainable living, such as reducing waste, conserving natural resources, and promoting renewable energy sources. Philanthropic organizations in Russia often work with local communities to promote environmentally friendly practices and to educate the public about the importance of sustainability.

Environmental philanthropy in Russia has become increasingly important in recent years, as the country faces environmental challenges such as air pollution, deforestation, and climate change.

Philanthropic organizations are working to address these issues by supporting initiatives that promote sustainable development and environmental conservation. This includes supporting research into new technologies and practices that can help to address environmental challenges, as well as investing in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.

Impact of Philanthropy in Russia

Philanthropy plays an important role in promoting positive change in Russia. By supporting various social, cultural, and environmental initiatives, philanthropic organizations in Russia work to improve the well-being of individuals and communities across the country. The impact of philanthropy in Russia can be seen in various areas, such as:

· Providing food, shelter, and medical care to those in need

· Improving education and employment opportunities

· Preserving and promoting Russia's cultural heritage

· Supporting environmental conservation and sustainable development

Moreover, philanthropy in Russia has the potential to play a larger role in addressing social and economic challenges facing the country. With continued support and collaboration between philanthropic organizations, the government, and civil society, philanthropy can help to foster a more equitable and sustainable society in Russia.

In conclusion, philanthropy in Russia has become increasingly important in promoting positive change in society. The goals of philanthropy in Russia are varied, but they all aim to support those in need and improve the well-being of individuals and communities across the country. By promoting social welfare, supporting cultural initiatives, and encouraging environmental sustainability, philanthropic organizations in Russia can help to foster a more equitable and sustainable society. As Russia continues to develop and face new challenges, philanthropy will continue to play a critical role in shaping the country's future.

We would like thank Tamar for her efforts and analyzing thoroughly this topic. Wishing her best achievements in academic life and great success.

Stay tuned. There are more blogs to come.